Welcome back to school! What a wonderful start to the year we have had! We have begin our inquiry into Gwenllian, a Welsh princess from the 12th century. We will be moving on to 'How can we lead healthy lives?' focusing on identity, values and behaviours (social and healthy) as well as mental health and emotions. We will then be moving on to look at our identity, place and space and beginning to plan our celebrations from around the world. This will cumulate with our Christmas Around the World celebrations and end of term production.
We have some wonderful trips coming up, a news letter will be coming home shortly and uploaded to DoJo, so keep an eye out for that!
Thank you for all of your hard work so far, and the support from your grown ups! Let's enjoy our year in Year 4!
Miss Farbrace, Mrs Baker and Mrs Savage
Some important bits of information about our class:
Miss Farbrace is our class teacher, Mrs Baker and Mrs Savage are our class LSA's.
Mrs Jones teaches PE in Year 4 every other Thursday!
All of our class communication will be through Class DoJo. If you need help connecting to our class, please get in touch with Miss Farbrace via email or on the yard